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OziExplorer [4WD mode]

1 Differences between OziExplorer (Full version) and Hema Navigator Explorer bundled with Navigator

This article explains the differences between the Hema Navigator Explorer and the OziExplorer software. The Hema Navigator product range is bundled with a program…

2 OziExplorer [4WD mode] - Adding extra OziExplorer 4WD maps to the Navigator

Remember, OziExplorer maps usually consist of either ".ecw" files, or a pair of files consisting of a ".map", and a ".ozf2", ".ozf3" or ".ozf4". OZF maps are generally…

3 HN1 Navigator - Latest version of OziExplorer [4WD mode] software

Warning! This download is specifically for the HN1 Navigator. Do not install this on HN5A, HN5i, HN6 or HN7 Navigators! Latest version: 2.41 You will find the latest…

4 OziExplorer [4WD mode] - What is the track tail?

In OziExplorer as long as track logging is switched on the software records the path you follow while the software is running. This information is stored in your…

5 OziExplorer [4WD mode] - Where can I get compatible 3rd Party maps from?

The 4WD Mode on the Hema Navigator product line uses OziExplorer software. OziExplorer maps on mobile devices need to be in one of the following two formats to…

6 OziExplorer [4WD mode] - Camps Australia Wide POIs on the Hema Navigator

The Camps Australia Wide POIs have been made available for the OziExplorer software via the GPSOz website. They are supplied in OziExplorer Name Search format.…

7 OziExplorer [4WD mode] - I want to backup or get rid of old data, such as waypoints, track logs etc.

OziExplorer can store the following data while in use: Waypoints Tracks Routes Waypoints OziExplorer stores waypoints in an internal database. This database file…

8 OziExplorer [4WD mode] - Keeps loading other maps

If you choose a specific map in OziExplorer, then notice a short time later that the map changes "automatically" to another map (not the one you want), chances…

9 OziExplorer [4WD mode] - Are there any limits to how much data OziExplorer can manage?

OziExplorerCE which runs on the Hema Navigator products can handle the following: 10,000 waypoints 75 tracks (unlimited points) 200 routes of 500 waypoints per…

10 OziExplorer [4WD mode] - Clearing "The track file may be corrupted" error message

Sometimes, when starting OziExplorer, it may refuse to start with an error message of: The track file may be corrupted If this happens, it is best to delete the…

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