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[General] - Problems getting Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC) running on Windows 10

Author: Robert Taylor Reference Number: AA-00555 Views: 9948 Created: 2017-11-23 10:34 Last Updated: 2017-12-08 08:59 100 Rating/ 4 Voters

If you cannot get Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC) running on your Windows 10 PC, you can try the following to see if it helps.


The following information / procedure has been sourced form various places on the internet. Your mileage may vary, and you must acknowledge that you undertake this process at your own risk. If you are not confident in your own abilities with your PC, enlist a knowledgeable friend or family member to help! Hema accepts no responsibility for unintended outcomes or issues. This process may or not solve the issue on your PC.

Microsoft may say that WMDC is not supported or doesn't work on Windows 10, but we find that it does on our machines without any issues.

After installing Windows Mobile Device Center on the Windows 10 PC:

  1. Right-click on the Start button (at lower-left of the screen in default configuration)
  2. Click on Computer Management
  3. Expand Services & Applications
  4. Click on Services
  5. Scroll down to find Windows Mobile-2003-based device connectivity, then right-click it, and choose Properties
  6. Click the Log On tab at the top of the Properties window
  7. Make sure Local System account is selected, and ensure Allow service to interact with desktop is ticked
  8. Click the OK button
  9. Right-click on Windows Mobile-2003-based device connectivity
  10. Click Start to start this service

Try starting Windows Mobile Device Center, you should find that it will start up after this.


If you do not see Windows Mobile-2003-based device connectivity in the Services list at Step 5 above, you may need to run WMDC manually first. After running WMDC manually, the service should appear in the list.

It is also recommended that, if you are running WMDC manually for the first time, start it by right-clicking on the WMDC icon, and choose More, then Run as administrator

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